Come See Us


The Space is open 7 days a week, 24/7 to our coworkers!
If you have an appointment for a service with one of our co-workers and need to be let into The Space, contact them directly or call


Find us

The Space is located at:

1119 Burton Street SE Suite 100 & 400
Grand Rapids, MI 49507

You can park for free in the back lot or on the side of the building or on Silver Street and use the back entrance. It is always locked with a code so please let us know when you arrive. 616-888-2569

Meet the Owner of The Space:

Hi, I’m Becky.

I opened The Space in the summer of 2021 because I wanted to create a warm, comfortable, and collaborative place for entrepreneurs, freelancers, creatives, service providers, and businesspeople. I’m a mother of three boys and I’m passionate about my work as a Reiki practitioner, women's wellness practitioner and my line of Yoni Steam products and services. You can learn more about at

I love connecting with the coworkers at The Space, and am continually energized by the inspiring work I see them doing! I hope that you’ll consider joining us as we continue to build connection and abundance for our community.